Rangitāne o Wairarapa Inc Board
Jo Hayes
Rangitāne o Wairarapa, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa, Ngāti Porou, Ati Hau Nui a Paparangi.
Jo brings with her a wealth of governance, leadership, and executive management experience across for profit, not for profit and community organisations. She became a member of the Institute of Directors in 2023 and successfully completed the Institutes Company Directors course in November 2023. Jo also successfully completed the certificate ‘Making Good Decisions’ environment commissioner course for local government in 2024. Jo’s governance experience stems from her time at Playcentre, and Plunket, progressed to school Board of Trustees, then organizational Board Directorships and Trustees. A former member of parliament Jo understands the rigors of being in government and in opposition. Jo has worked in Iwi organisations and for Māori in non-Māori management roles. Jo has a degree from Massey in Science and is married to Pat, they are farmers, have two adult sons and four mokopuna.
Jack Morris
Jack holds a National Diploma of Infrastructure Asset Management, Master of Business Administration and Master of Planning Practice Degree. Jack is a member of the NZ Institute of Directors and the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Limited. His experience is broad ranging and includes fisheries, aquaculture, solar and wind farms, private and public sector infrastructure asset management, environmental resource management, commercial investment and business case development. He has held chief executive roles with Iwi post settlement entities and charitable trusts and been responsible for the execution of a $25m investment strategy. He is currently a Mātanga Māori - Tumuaki (Technical Principal - Māori) Māori Business and Advisory Services at WSP NZ. Jack is the son of the late Denise Rimene and Wayne Morris. Jack lives with his whānau in Wellington and is married to Samantha.
Piriniha Te Tau
Ko Kurahaupo te waka
Ko Ngāti Hamua te hapū
Ko Te Ore Ore te marae
Ko Piriniha Edward Tikawenga Te Tau tōku ingoa, he uri o ngā hapū mea ngā marae o te Wairarapa. My parents were Hinerautahi Haeata-Kuku and Edward Tuwairau Te Tau, I am the third of thirteen tamariki and my whakapapa is intrinsically Wairarapa, Manawatū, Kati Huirapa. I commenced my journey “ko wai au” following the passing of my father in 1981 who died as a result of injuries caused by World War 2 and the emotional trauma associated with this lifetime event. My journey began in the cookhouse at the Pā while at same time, graduating to marae caretaker, kōmitti chairperson, marae trustee. During this period, I also took an active role in Treaty of Waitangi Settlement phases, the establishment of Rangitāne o Wairarapa Inc, Te Rūnanganui o Rangitāne and the Kurahaupō Waka Society. I am actively involved as a Te Ore Ore Marae Trustee and Rangitāne o Wairarapa Inc, Rangitāne Tū Mai Rā Trust, Papawai Kaikokirikiri and Iwi Maori Partnership Board. My life has been shaped by a rich heritage and an unwavering commitment to serve our whānau and hapori. My lifetime experiences span several fields including 23 years in the Meatworks industry, leadership in the union movement, graduated from Victoria University and completed 30years work in social services and community development. I retired in 2020, continue to embrace the chance to contribute, shape policies, provide direction and ensure accountability from within and my peers to our whānau. My unwavering belief in the inherent value of every individual, irrespective of their circumstances, demeanor, or status, drives me on a daily basis that will enable our whānau to reclaim Tino Rangatiratanga and resume their role of Mana Motuhake -
Dany Haira
Rangitāne ki runga
Rangitāne ki waho
Rangitāne ki roto
Rangitāne ki raro
Ko Te Raako Warena Kerehi tōku pāpā
Ko Mere Rehutai Kerehi (Paku) tōku māmā
Ko Dany Haira tōku ingoa
I bring many years’ experience working alongside whānau in Early Childhood, Parenting, Social Development, Health and Education. I have solid whānau and community networks and sound governance, administrative and financial experience. While I’ve been a member of our board, I’ve learned more about myself and Rangitāne o Wairarapa than ever before. That is so cool. It’s a privilege to help lead Rangitāne o Wairarapa into a prosperous future and fulfill the dreams of our tīpuna, our parents and our rangatahi.Other interests:
Trustee, Te Ore Ore Marae Reservation 1E2 and Charitable Trust
Trustee, Aratoi Museum of Art & History for Rangitāne o Wairarapa
Life Member, Te Peka o Wairarapa MWWL
Member, Wairarapa COGS Committee
Team Leader, Salvation Army Family Store
Life Supporter, Pioneer Sports Club -
Violet Edwards-Hina
Tuhirangi te maunga
Tūranganui te awa
Tuhirangi te Tupuna Marae
Kohunui te marae
Ko Te Kahui Tipua Ihakara me tōna wahine toa ko Roka Te Raro ōku tūpuna
Ko Toria Edwards tōku pāpā, ko Jayne Wilson tōku māmā
I te taha o toku pāpā
Kaitahu, Rangtāne o Wairarapa, Ira, Kahungunu ki Wairarapa, Waitaha ngā iwi
Tūkoko, Rakaiwhakairi, Kati Wheke, Tuahuriri ngā hapū
I te taha o tōku māmā
Rangitane, Ngāti Apa, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Heretaunga, Ngāi Te Upokoiri, Ngāti Kuha, Ngāti Marau ngā iwi
Te Whatuiapiti, Rangi te Kahutia, Ngā Ariki, Ngāti Tauira ngā hapū
Ko Rakautatahi, Omahu, Tiniwaitara ngā maraeNo Tūranganui ahau but now I reside in Masterton and have done for most of my life raising my sons Toria and Ngarangitākohukohu here. Besides representing Rangitāne o Wairarapa in the motu I also am a trustee for Kohunui marae and Director of the Kohunui Native Plant Nursery. I am the Kohunui Marae mana whenua representative for the South Wairarapa District Councils Māori Standing Committee. Of which I am also rep on the Strategy Working Committee and a member of the Wairarapa Whaikaha Community roopu. My love is Raranga. I attended Te Wai Pounamu Māori Girls College for 3 years in Christchurch.
Dottie Whittaker
Ko Rangitūmau te maunga
Ko Ruamahanga te awa
Ko Kurahaupō, ko Takitimu ngā waka
Ko Rangitāne raua ko Ngāti Kahungunu ōku iwi
Ko Ngāti Hamua tōku hapu
Ko Te Ore Ore tōku marae
Ko Harold Waaka (nee Rimene) tōku koroua
Ko Pikimaiterangi Waaka (nee Karaitiana) tōku kuia
Ko William Ropiha tōku pāpā
Ko Faye Ropiha (nee Waaka) tōku māmā
Ko Dorothy (Dotti) Whittaker (nee Ropiha) ahau
Ko Elijah Whittaker tōku hoa rangatira
Nō Whakaoriori ia
Rangitāne representative on the Māori Standing Committee for South Wairarapa District Council
Lay Advocate in both Family and Youth Court Masterton
Currently studying towards Bachelors of Business
Part time support worker with rangatahi
Involved with Tangata Whaikaha Wairarapa
The rangatahi are the driving force for me becoming a board member. Observing my baby girl grow up in Te Ao Māori and to be able to stand proud being Māori has been made possible by all of the hard mahi our tīpuna have done. As a result, I look forward to using my abilities to help our whānau, hapū and iwi grow. -
Manawaroa Sproat
Rangitāne o Te Wairarapa, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Te Wairarapa
Manawaroa is a raukura of Kohanga Reo and Kura Kaupapa Māori. Her professional career has primarily focused on Communications, Marketing and Events across both the public and private sector and most recently at the iwi organisation level. Fluent in Te Reo Māori, with a passion for the revitalisation of te reo me ōna tikanga, Manawaroa is also a teacher of Te Reo Māori at Whitireia & Weltec to adult learners. Manawaroa is currently the Communications Manager at Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira. -
Leilana Kereama
He uri ahau ō Ngāti Hāmua me Ngāti Hinewaka, he mokopuna ō Mark rāua ko Diane Rimene, he tamāhine ō Tania rāua ko Sam Hunter. I am kaiako working with our youngest generations in ECE, ko Leilana Kereama ahau.
Tāmati Rimene-Sproat
Uiui noa, nā wai koe e tama? Makū e kī atu nā Hāmua, nā Hinewaka. Nā Mark Rimene rāua ko Diane Rimene, nā Sonya Rimene rāua ko John Sproat. He kaikawe kōrero, kaiwhakataki I ngā kaupapa huhua. Ko Tāmati Rimene-Sproat tōku ingoa. Description goes here
Mihirangi Hollings
Ngāti Kahungunu, Te Arawa, Ngāti Porou